Some Fragments Towards Establishing Completeness Properties of Second-Order Quantifier Elimination Methods

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Some Fragments Towards Establishing Completeness Properties of Second-Order Quantifier Elimination Methods

Christoph WernhardChristoph Wernhard
Some Fragments Towards Establishing Completeness Properties of Second-Order Quantifier Elimination Methods

Christoph Wernhard
Some Fragments Towards Establishing Completeness Properties of Second-Order Quantifier Elimination Methods
Poster presentation at Jahrestreffen der GI Fachgruppe Deduktionssysteme, associated with CADE 25, August 2015
  author = {Christoph Wernhard},
  title  = {Some Fragments Towards Establishing Completeness Properties of
            Second-Order Quantifier Elimination Methods},
  year   = {2015},
  month  = {August}